Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Signs of economic trouble in ethnic press

I missed this when it was published in The New York Times last week, but apparently there are now signs of stress in the ethnic press as well.


Tim Lynch said...

I was curious about whether the ethnic media were weathering the storm. They might be in even more of a bind if a large chunk of their readers don't have easy access to the Internet, as the story indicates.

La Claudia said...

What's interesting about the recent decline of the ethnic press and that it's timed with the overall economic downturn, thus I don't believe that it signals a business model that's in crisis. I'm not surprised Hoy closed: Tribune did a really poor job at launching the product and it never really developed a loyal readership. As for the Chinese publications going on-line only, it's only a matter of time until big, mainstream operations go that way...

Dr. Nikki Usher said...

Really really scary since that was a bright spot for the State of the News Media for the past few years. I think Vikki P and KDMC have a leadership conference intended to shepherd some of these digital questions to some of the leaders in the ethnic press. Meanwhile, the La Sentinel and La Opinion, two newspapers I've been looking at quite a bit, remain quite strong with highly vibrant (though not interactive) Web sites.